New prices from 1 February 2025

With effect from 1 February 2025, prices for tickets will be adjusted.

Average price adjustement

The average price of our tickets will increase by approximately 4.1%. This is significantly lower than the general price growth in society. The regional Agreement for Urban Growth (Byvekstavtalen) contributes NOK 20 million to keep prices lower in the Kristiansand area. Elsewhere, the price adjustment focuses on ensuring it remains more economical to prepay your journey rather than purchasing a single ticket from the driver. For single tickets, the discount on mobile tickets purchased via the AKT Ticket app and Pay as you go-credit will amount to nearly 40% of the price of a ticket purchased onboard. 

You can buy period tickets, single tickets, and Flexi tickets in the AKT Ticket app or on a travel card.

Tickets stored in the “cloud”

Purchasing and traveling with our tickets is simple. Tickets are now stored in the "cloud," which will eventually offer greater flexibility regarding how you store and manage your travel documents—whether in the AKT Ticket app, on a travel card, or through other ticket media in the future.

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Price tables from 1 Februray 2025

Check ticket prices in the tables below. You can purchase period tickets and Flexi tickets either in the AKT Ticket app or on a travel card. To find the correct price, you need to know how many zones/municipalities you’ll be traveling through. 

  • First, find the number of zones/municipalities in the zone overview, then compare this with the price tables for single and period tickets. 
  • You will pay for a maximum of 6 zones/municipalities for single tickets and a maximum of 3 zones/municipalities for period tickets. 
  • See an overview of the number of zones for ticket purchases.


Intended for people who travel occasionally by bus. The fare is determined by the number of zones in your journey (max. 6 zones).

Pricetable single tickets pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable single tickets pr 1 February 2025
1 zone = 1 municipality (max 6 zones). Pre paid - AKT Billett/Pay as you go-credit- Adult Pre paid - AKT Billett/Pay as you go-credit- Children/senior On board - cash/credit card - Adult On board - cash/credit card - Children/senior
1 zone 37,50 18,75 64,- 32,-
2 zones 54,- 27,- 90,- 45,-
3 zones 107,- 53,50 178,- 89,-
4 zones 150,- 75,- 250,- 125,-
5 zones 188,- 94,- 313,- 157,-
6 zones or more 227,- 113,50 378,- 189,-
All prices in NOK

24-hour ticket

  • The 24-hour ticket is valid for 24 hours from activating it and is valid for travel within the zone (s) to which the ticket applies.
  • Price is determined based on how many zones you travel in total (max 3 zones) and which age category you belong to (child/senior or adult).

Pricetable 24 hour ticket pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable 24 hour ticket pr 1 February 2025
Number of zones Children 6 - 17 year Adult 18 - 66 year Senior + 67 year
1 zone 62,- 124,- 62,-
2 zones 97,- 193,- 97,-
3 zones or more 159,- 318,- 159,-
All prices in NOK

7-day ticket

  • The period ticket is valid for 7 days from activating it and is valid for travel within the zone (s) to which the ticket applies.
  • 7-day ticket applies for an unlimited number of trips for 7 days within the validity range.
  • Note that for 7-day ticket travel is always 1 zone = 1 municipality. The arrangement with one common zone for travel within the Kristiansand area does not apply to 7-day tickets. 

Pricetable 7 day ticket pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable 7 day ticket pr 1 February 2025
Number of zones Children 6 - 17 year Adult 18 - 66 year Senior + 67 year
1 zone 155,- 313,- 155,-
2 zones 178,- 375,- 178,-
3 zones or more 193,- 528,- 193,-

30-day ticket

  • The period ticket is valid for 30 days from activating it and is valid for travel within the zone (s) to which the ticket applies.
  • 30-day ticket applies for an unlimited number of trips for 30 days within the validity range. 

Pricetable 30 day ticket pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable 30 day ticket pr 1 February 2025
Number of zones Children 6 - 17 year Youth 18 - 19 year Young adult 20 - 29 year Adult 30 -66 year Senior + 67 year Student
Kristiansand-area 320,- 353,- 473,- 711,- 473,- 418,-
1 zone 387,- 419,- 562,- 939,- 562,- 516,-
2 zones 445,- 461,- 619,- 1124,- 619,- 573,-
3 zones or more 482,- 506,- 676,- 1585,- 676,- 624,-

180-day ticket

  • The period ticket is valid for 180 days from activating it and is valid for travel within the zone (s) to which the ticket applies.
  • 180-day ticket applies for an unlimited number of trips for 180 days within the validity range. 
  • Pay 5 months, travel 6 months

Pricetable 180 day ticket pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable 180 day ticket pr 1 February 2025
Number of zones Children 6 -17 year Youth 18 - 19 year Young adult 20 -29 year Adult 30 - 66 year Senior + 67 year Student
Kristiansand- area 1600,- 1765,- 2365,- 3555,- 2365,- 2090,-
1 zone 1935,- 2095,- 2810,- 4695,- 2810,- 2580,-
2 zones 2225,- 2305,- 3095,- 5620,- 3095,- 2865,-
3 zones or more 2410,- 2530,- 3380,- 7925,- 3380,- 3120,-

Reduced prices in the Kristiansand area 

The Regional Agreement for Urban Growth (Byvekstavtalen) contributes NOK 20 million to maintain lower prices in the Kristiansand area. The price reduction will focus on Flexi tickets and 30/180-day period tickets. As a result, there are specific prices valid only within the Kristiansand area for the following groups:

  • Children (6-17 years)
  • Youth (18-19 years)
  • Young adults (20-29 years)
  • Adults (30-66 years, also available as a 180-day period ticket)
  • Seniors (67+ years)
  • Students in the Kristiansand area