Easy bus travel guidelines

Travelling on local buses in Agder.

Easy bus travel guidelines

  • Plan your journey on akt.no
  • Buy period tickets on your travel card or in the AKT Billett app
  • Buy single tickets with the AKT Billett app
Easy travel with the AKT Billett app

Plan your journey on akt.no = easy travel

All information about public transport in Agder is avaliable at akt.no - including our travel planner that helps you find travel routes and times. All departures in real time. In Agder, the web and mobile versions of the travel planner give you up-to-date real time information for all bus stops. This gives you a full overview of ecactly when the bus will depart from your bus stop.  The travel planner can also be downloaded - for free- as an app for iPhone or Android. Note! App is only avaliable in Norwegian.

bilde AKT Reise app - Klikk for stort bilde

More info on AKT Reise 

Period tickets – for people who travel frequently by bus

A period tickets is alway the cheapest alternative for people who frequently travel by bus. The travel card (bus card) can be obtained for the first time on buses or from our customer service centres.

Period tickets are availiable for different age categories and are valid throughout Agder. Period tickets are valid for an urestricted number of trips over a 30 day period within their validity area. 

Check fares against the number of zones in the zone map
The fares apply to all services operated on assignment for Agder kollektivtrafikk. 

Period tickets

tegnet figur som symboliserer ny kunde - Klikk for stort bilde

... or buy single tickets with the AKT Billett app = easy tickets!

The mobile ticket app AKT Billett is the easiest alternativee for people who travel occasionally by bus. Remember that advance payment with the app gives you av 40% discount on single tickets throughout Agder.
Pre-paid sinle tickets: The fare is determined by the number of zones in your journey (max. 6 zones). Note that pre-paid single tickets are cheaper than single tickets purchased using caskh or a credit/debit card on board the bus. You can also purchase single tickets in advansce using  pay-as-you-go credit on your travel card.
The mobile ticket app can be downloaded for for iPhone and Android. Not valid for the night buses, airport bus, trains and commercial express buses.

Advance payment with the AKT Billett app gives you a 40% discount on single tickets for children, adults and seniors – throughout Agder. Click here for more information about using the AKT Billett app.

More info on AKT Billett