Single tickets

Intended for people who travel occasionally by bus. The fare is determined by the number of zones in your journey (max. 6 zones).

Zone map

First find the number of zones you travel in the zone map Agder, before you find the price for your preferred ticket

Zone map

Pricetable single tickets pr 1 February 2025

Pricetable single tickets pr 1 February 2025
1 zone = 1 municipality (max 6 zones). Pre paid - AKT Billett/Pay as you go-credit- Adult Pre paid - AKT Billett/Pay as you go-credit- Children/senior On board - cash/credit card - Adult On board - cash/credit card - Children/senior
1 zone 37,50 18,75 64,- 32,-
2 zones 54,- 27,- 90,- 45,-
3 zones 107,- 53,50 178,- 89,-
4 zones 150,- 75,- 250,- 125,-
5 zones 188,- 94,- 313,- 157,-
6 zones or more 227,- 113,50 378,- 189,-
All prices in NOK

NOTE! For single-ticket journeys, 1 zone = 1 municipality. The one-zone system for journeys within the Kristiansand area does not thus apply to single tickets.

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Single tickets – for people who occasionally travel by bus

Fares as of 1 July 2024 (all prices in NOK).

  • Check fares against the number of zones in the zone map.
  • The fares apply to all services operated on assignment for Agder kollektivtrafikk
  • Separate fares apply to airport buses and commercial express buses.
  • Persons serving compulsory military or civilian national service pay a child’s fare for single tickets.

Single tickets – types of ticket and travel rules

  • Validity: A single ticket is valid for travel within the zone(s) the ticket is bought for. The last embarkation must take place within the time specified on the ticket. Ninety minutes in the first zone, and then 30 minutes per new zone. Example: Kristiansand-Vennesla: 90 min. + 30 min. = 120 min. (2 hours). Applies to all types of single tickets. 
  • Adults: Single tickets apply to the 18-66 age group. Other age limits apply to period tickets. 
  • Children: Applies to the 6-17 age group. Children under the age of six travel free of charge together with a paying passenger.
  • Seniors: Applies to everyone from the age of 67 or people with a concession card issued by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).
  • Persons serving compulsory military or civilian national service: Valid for everyone serving initial military or civilian national service. The fare is the same as a child’s ticket – including in the AKT Billett app.
  • Family discount: Applies to Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. An adult over the age of 18 with a valid travel document (single ticket, period ticket or Flexicard) can take up to four children under the age of 18 with them free of charge.
  • Dogs:  Free of charge. Not guaranteed a place, the driver decides. Depends on the situation. Dogs must sit on the floor or in the lap, not on a seat.
  • Bicycle/baby stroller: Free of charge. Not guaranteed a place, the driver decides. Depends on the situation.

Download AKT Billett –  mobile ticket app for the whole of Agder

With the AKT Billett app, it is easy to buy tickets in advance for all services throughout Agder that are operated on assignment for AKT. 

tegnet figur som symboliserer ny kunde - Klikk for stort bilde

AKT Billett for IOS AKT Billett for Android

Note that pre-paid single tickets are cheaper than single tickets purchased using cash or a credit/debit card on board the bus. Buying a ticket in advance saves time and money – the bus gets to its destination quicker and it makes travel more reasonable! The AKT Billett app or pay-as-you-go credit on your travelcard gives you a discount on single tickets throughout Agder