AKT Nettbutikk webshopAKT Nettbutikk is a webshop where you can buy tickets for the whole of Agder. To be able to use the webshop, you must already have a travel card. Sist endret 16.01.2025 12:49 AKT Nettbutikk webshopIn our webshop you can top up period tickets or Pay as you go-credit (NO: reisepenger) on your travel card. For your information, the webshop is on an external domain, outside of AKT.Log in to AKT NettbutikkAs part of the new ticketing system, we are introducing a new web shop for buying tickets. The new web shop will be operational from 1 July 2024. The new web shop will have limited functionality at the start. Functions such as personal login and purchase history will not be available in the first phase. As a customer, this means that you must enter the travel card number each time the web shop is used.