Lost property

Have you forgotten or found something on the bus? Lost property is handed in at different locations, depending on which bus company you travelled with. Information about lost and found items are usually available the next working day. 

Lost property from local buses in Agder

Lost property is handed out at different locations depending on which bus company or route you have used. If you want to retrieve valuables, you will have to provide identification. When handing over mobile phones, you must be able to unlock the phone with a pin code etc, as proof that you are the rightful owner.

For information about lost property from the various companies, contact us on the telephone numbers below.

Please note that our employees at the customer centers do not have direct contact with the bus drivers on the various bus routes and thus do not have the opportunity to track down lost property there and then.

Lost property is handed out on different locations


Lost and found in buses in Agder

Lost and found in buses in Agder
Area/company Places handing out goods Contact us
Kristiansand area (buses: Boreal) AKT kundesenter Tollbodgata 22 T: + 47 38 03 83 00/ 177 next working day after 12:00
Mandal - Farsund - Lista (buses: Setesdal bilruter) Setesdal Bilruter, Mandal T: 94099123 09:00-12:00 weekdays. E-mail: hittegods@sbr.no
Flekkefjord - Kvinesdal - Sirdal (buses: Connect bus) In Flekkefjord: send SMS 93443990 from 09:00 og 12:00. In Kvinesdal: Visit Farmoen 6 weekdays between 08:30 og 09:00
Lillesand-Grimstad- Arendal- Tvedestrand-Risør-Vegårshei -Gjerstad (buses: Boreal) AKT Arendal, Peder Thomassons gt 6, 4836 Arendal T: + 47 907 95 005 next working day after 12:00. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1000-1500
Setesdal (buses: Setesdal Bilruter) T: + 47 37 93 44 00
Other areas T: + 47 38 03 83 00 (for more info)

The legal premises for handling «lost and found» is described in law on “Hittegods”